Senior Pastor Search

Candidates are welcome to self-select, so if congregation members know of a likely candidate please encourage them to apply. Interested candidates may contact the Search Committee by email:


Job Description

The position of Senior Minister at First Reformed Church of Schenectady is one requiring energy, enthusiasm, and innovation. We are looking for a talented person who is ready to embrace all aspects of living, educating, and preaching God's message; whether it's virtually, through hands-on mission work, or by using traditional methods .


Church Profile

The First Reformed Church of Schenectady's Church Profile explains to candidates who we are and where we wish to go. Our congregation has many talents and interests. This Profile shows what our congregation embraces and what we value as we move into the future of God's world.

The search committee appreciates the continued support from the congregation as they hold us in prayer.  The committee understands the future of our church will be impacted by the choice of our next pastor and they do not take this task lightly.

Updates on the progress of the search are provided to the congregation monthly in the Sunday service and newsletter.